Baughman High Octane

How to Burrito Wrap High Octane™ Octane Quad Pack

2020-07-13T14:29:01-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 How to Burrito Wrap a Baughman High Octane Quad Pack So the guys are pinning the fabric over the High Octane™ Quad Pack. Now our five-foot wide by however long you purchase, we got it in a hundred feet and we got it in 360 feet. So that five-foot width is the one that's perfect [...]

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Contractor Roundup for Spring 2020 of High Octane Run

2020-01-06T10:30:51-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Contractor Roundup for Spring 2020 of High Octane Run   Welcome to the French Drain Man channel. I'm Robert Sherwood and I'm here to tell you about the Contractor Roundup of all the people that have signed up for a hundred coils or more. Contractors all summer long you've been beating us up, and guess [...]

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How to Get More VOID in Your French Drains

2020-01-06T09:59:58-05:00By |Categories: Michigan French Drain|Tags: , , , |

 How to Get More VOID in Your French Drains With the Baughman High Octane, we're able to control how much void we have in our yard drain systems or French drain systems. We do a lot of hybrids too and we're going to start showing you guys, but this is the perfect example. I wanted [...]

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How to Keep Water from Getting in Your Basement Window

2019-11-05T21:29:54-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 How to Keep Water from Getting in Your Basement Window This is a branch. We have two pipes in the trench for our main, and this is typical of a branch. If you just want to reach up and make sure you're dry around your basement windows, just come off the main. That's all you [...]

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What is a Traditional Blind Inlet?

2019-10-16T05:28:16-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 What is a Traditional Blind Inlet? I want to show you guys what a blind inlet looks like. Now, this is a traditional blind inlet guys. We have the High Octane running two parallel pipes, the Baughman High Octane, the Royal blue, giant windows. Now you don't have to run a pipe up into a [...]

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How to Build a French Drain Like the Pros – DIY

2019-10-15T19:09:24-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , , |

 How to Build a French Drain Like the Pros I want to make sure that everybody's aware of this. We use a four-inch rubber gasket and the reason why you want to use this, you don't want your drainage stone to fall into the city's storm drain or your lift station or your sump pump [...]

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How to Take Your French Drain to Daylight

2019-10-10T18:53:36-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 How to Take Your French Drain to Daylight A lot of people want to know how do we terminate our French drains when they go to daylight. Anytime you're not going to infrastructure like a storm drain catch basin, you're going to have to take it to daylight. We keep a critter guard on them [...]

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What Can You Do When You Have a High Water Table?

2019-10-10T10:01:20-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 What Can You Do When You Have a High Water Table? Okay, what you can do when the water table's too high. We came and we did this storm, this catch basin tap. We tapped this. We tapped this months ago, to be honest with you. We have just been busy and backlogged and now [...]

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How Perforated Drainage Pipe Works

2019-09-29T18:37:48-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 How Perforated Drainage Pipe Works Our subscribers are crazy intelligent. I just love it. You guys ask the best questions and they're legit. So here's one that I get asked a lot, so I'm going to explain it. People are always saying, they're always saying, how does the water move in the pipe when there [...]

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How to Build a Better Yard Drain for Less Money and Time – DIY

2019-09-27T15:12:13-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 How to Build a Better Yard Drain for Less Money and Time - DIY All right. So Valentine's connecting the one-inch poly. We buy hundreds of feet of poly pipe. In Michigan the sprinkler systems are all made out of a poly pipe that way during the freeze and thaw cycle, this stuff's very flexible. [...]

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