French Drain

Drainage System for Roof Runoff Water

2019-03-07T14:31:10-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 Drainage System for Roof Runoff Water We're installing an underground drainage system for roof runoff water. This home just had a couple of these. There are basically an easy, inexpensive way for homeowners to try to get the water away from their house. You can get them out to like 10 feet in length. It's [...]

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Single Wall Corrugated Pipe & Dual Wall Corrugated Pipe Technique

2018-12-12T22:50:21-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Single Wall Corrugated Pipe & Dual Wall Corrugated Pipe Technique I wanted to show you the anatomy of dual pipe to a six-inch catch basin. Now we had to run this quite far so that this was below. We want to catch all the debris is in the six-inch catch basin. We want this to be the [...]

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Tile Tape for Single and Dual Wall Corrugated Drain Pipes

2018-12-10T21:58:28-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 Tile Tape for Single and Dual Wall Corrugated Drain Pipes Tile tape, it'll work in the cold. It'll work in the rain. I'll work in the snow. It's better than a glue weld.  It's better than silicone. Nothing beats the flexibility of a good tile tape. As you can see, it just forms to the [...]

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Swiper 90 Gutter with Corrugated Single Wall Pipe for more Velocity

2018-12-07T14:27:26-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Swiper 90 Gutter with Corrugated Single Wall Pipe for more Velocity Whenever you have a downspout that has an interruption in it like this, this is the way the house was built and they're trying to keep the downspouts tight to the house for a clean look. All the velocity on this gravity-powered system was [...]

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Do NOT Use Retractable Gutter Downspout Extensions in Michigan

2018-12-05T21:57:24-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Do NOT Use a Retractable Gutter Downspout Extensions in Michigan Never install these retractable gutter extensions in the north. These are frozen up. We're here in Michigan. We're installing an underground drainage system for gutter downspouts. We're gonna use a corrugated pipe. We're going to be using a lot of dual wall corrugated four-inch pipe [...]

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Do NOT wrap a French Drain Pipe With Drainage Fabric

2018-12-03T22:19:12-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Do NOT wrap a French Drain Pipe With Drainage Fabric I want to talk a little bit about the pipe we use, the fabric we use, how we use it and why we use it in the way that we use it. So a lot of guys are just wrapping the pipe and then they'll [...]

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How to Use Corrugated Pipe the Correct Way for Downspouts

2018-11-30T13:42:21-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 How to Use Corrugated Pipe the Correct Way for Downspouts In a lot of my videos, I talk about not leaving a belly underneath walkways. We just took out some corrugated pipe that was single-wall and there's nothing wrong with the pipe. The problem was who installed it. Now obviously when we remove this, we [...]

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Why French Drains Without Inlet Basins are Maintenance Free

2018-11-30T13:43:15-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Why French Drains Without Inlet Basins are Maintenance Free I wanted to show you guys a French drain at work. You always see us building French drains, but I don't show enough footage. Don't do enough video of actually working French drains. So I'm in Washington Township, Michigan. I'm in Glacier Club. Beautiful, beautiful community [...]

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Why Gravel French Drains are Better with Corrugated pipe and Geo-textile Fabric

2018-11-26T12:45:37-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 Why Gravel French Drains are Better with Corrugated pipe and Geo-textile Fabric We're in Macomb Township, Michigan installing a French drain system. When you're installing a French drain system, you want to run your French drain system in the lowest area. That's the collection area. In this case, we have a dwale, so we're in [...]

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Biggest Mistake Made to Cause French Drain Failure

2018-11-23T10:27:51-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Biggest Mistake Made to Cause French Drain Failure Most yard drain systems are installed because of surface water first and foremost, and then subsurface water secondary. That's most drainage systems they call you when they see surface water and they're frustrated and they want to do something about the surface water. Their dogs splashing in [...]

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