Royal Oak French Drain

Correct way to install a gutter downspout to French Drain in Royal Oak

2017-08-13T14:16:26-04:00By |Categories: Royal Oak French Drain|Tags: , |

Correct way to install a gutter downspout to French Drain in Royal Oak, MI We are in Royal Oak, MI installing a French Drain system.  I wanted to show how we do our gutter downspouts.  Basically, we take them to a pop up. This French drain is done and it's ready for the grass with 2.5 [...]

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French Drain Installation in Royal Oak, Michigan

2017-08-13T13:56:25-04:00By |Categories: Royal Oak French Drain|Tags: , , |

French Drain Installation in Royal Oak, Michigan We're in Royal Oak, Michigan, installing a French drain system. The backyard is extremely flat here. The water cannot find its way out. Basically the yard is saturated, the grass is not heavily rooted. There's root rot and deterioration because of it. Our French drain main channel is going [...]

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