Water & Sewer Dept recommends French Drain – Macomb Twp., MI

Macomb Twp Water & Sewer - Recommends French DrainIn Macomb Township Michigan assessing a lot for a French drain system. Macomb Township Water and Sewer Department had already been out and recommended a French drain system for the fix. Both residents had purchased these homes and weren’t the original owners. The original owner of this home planted river birch in the swale. Thinking that well they drink up a lot of water. This ought to take care of the problem.  Well the solution would have been a French drain pipe back then. Now the trees have gotten large. They’ve lifted the elevations of the grade and there isn’t a defined swale anymore so it’s just really worsened the problem.

There are children that play in these yards. We’re in a drought right now. It hasn’t rain in I don’t know how long. The same happened next door. Privacy was what the previous homeowner wanted. And unfortunately it filled the swale. So now the new homeowner can’t have the children out in the yard because it’s so muddy, until we get a French drain installed.

Now, Macomb Sewer and Drain found the storm drain, they have the mapping for this. It was buried, it was covered in this landscape that was built for privacy. So we can take the French drain to that storm drain to alleviate the water problems in this back yard. We can’t change the circumstances, but what we can do is help alleviate the water problem.

For More Information on a French Drain in Macomb Twp., MI

If you are looking for a French drain in Macomb Township, Michigan. Give us a call at 248-505-3065.