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Why Contractors and Homeowners Need to Communicate

2019-10-06T20:43:29-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Why Contractors and Homeowners Need to Communicate 10 days ago I shot a video standing right about here. And we were talking about how we are digging a canal and we were working night and day. I was on the night shift because working the dirt was great. It was a dream and as a [...]

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Install Your DIY French Drain or Hire a French Drain Contractor

2019-09-27T08:59:05-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 Install Your DIY French Drain or Hire a French Drain Contractor From Spring to Fall, we're doing yard drainage. Last year we went right up to Christmas and this year we're just going to go until he can't get a shovel in the ground. It seems like now that we raised awareness, more and more [...]

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