French Drain Design in Washington Township, Michigan

French Drain Design - Washington Twp., MIFrench drain design. You wan to start at the low points. The problem areas where the water stands, where the ground is saturated, where it’s hard to mow, where the kids or the pets end up coming in all muddy. That’s where you wan to start with your French drain when you’re working on your French drain design.

You take that to a storm drain, a catch basin, a ditch, a crock, a waterway, and you have to slope it, but that’s where you start. You don’t want to fill in these areas. You’ll chase the water somewhere else. Once the water’s contained to a location, that’s perfect.

You could tell that the grass has receded, root rot. The grass will be able to grow here now because we ran a French train. You can see this filter fabric, underneath this filter fabric is 14 inches by 14 inches of coarse wash rock with a pipe running through it. We actually got the sod back on top of the French drain.

French drain design sometimes involves some extremes. We had to cut this driveway 24 inches. We’re going to remove some of that stone when we go to pour, but we left it high. We’re putting the plywood over it so that the homeowner can drive in and out of their drive until we’re done.

For More Information on a French Drain Design in Washington Twp., MI

For a french drain system designed properly in Washington Township, Michigan, give us a call at 248-505-3065.