Clay Soil

French Drain Fabric for CLAY

2019-03-26T16:25:22-04:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , , |

 French Drain Fabric for CLAY Welcome to the French Drain Man channel where we show the DIY guy and the homeowner who's shopping for a yard drainage system, the correct way to building a French drain system. Now, one of the more controversial topics in the industry is fabrics for drainage systems and especially in [...]

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French Drain vs. Drain Tile in a Residential Yard in Michigan

2018-04-26T22:46:22-04:00By |Categories: Michigan French Drain|Tags: , , |

 French Drain vs. Drain Tile in a Residential Yard in Michigan Once in a while, I get asked why does a farm field work, that's tiled? Why wouldn't that work in a residential backyard? So I'm going explain that to you really quick. Compaction of soil Is one thing, the farmer tills the top surface [...]

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