Sale!FDM's Indestructible Turf Restrictor Plate 2.0 with 4 in. Pop-Up Emitter (pop up door is included) 22.5° Elbow Connects to 4 inch Corrugated Pipe. New and improved clog free design !
Sale!FDM's Indestructible Turf Restrictor Plate 2.0 with 4 in. Pop-Up Emitter (pop up door is included) 45° Elbow Connects to 4 inch Corrugated Pipe. New and improved clog free design !
Sale!The emitter allows water captured by grates, catch basins, channel drain, downspouts, and roof gutter systems to flow through the drainage pipe and away from structural foundations to safe or useful areas. The emitter is opened by the hydrostatic pressure of water flowing through the drain pipe. As flow diminishes, the emitter closes again. The emitter's green color blends into the surrounding landscape making it attractive addition to one's home.
Sale!For pop-up emitter and Drain Basin applications.
Sale!Polylok 4 in. Flow Gate is designed to help solve multiple drainage needs. It can be used with 4 in. PVC SDR or 4 in corrugated pipe. Allows water to be diverted and released to water-safe areas away from structures, erosion-prone landscapes and poor drainage areas.