Monthly Archives: December 2018

Do NOT Use Retractable Gutter Downspout Extensions in Michigan

2018-12-05T21:57:24-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Do NOT Use a Retractable Gutter Downspout Extensions in Michigan Never install these retractable gutter extensions in the north. These are frozen up. We're here in Michigan. We're installing an underground drainage system for gutter downspouts. We're gonna use a corrugated pipe. We're going to be using a lot of dual wall corrugated four-inch pipe [...]

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Do NOT wrap a French Drain Pipe With Drainage Fabric

2018-12-03T22:19:12-05:00By |Categories: French Drain|Tags: , |

 Do NOT wrap a French Drain Pipe With Drainage Fabric I want to talk a little bit about the pipe we use, the fabric we use, how we use it and why we use it in the way that we use it. So a lot of guys are just wrapping the pipe and then they'll [...]

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