Winter Is Coming – Don’t Procrastinate and Get Your Drainage Systems Installed

Install Yard Drainage System before WinterDIYers one day, just like a light switch, the temperatures disappear. Those warm days are gone. You don’t want to be on your project with frozen aggregate. And even though when we’re out in the snow, cause we’ll go until we can’t get a shovel in the ground anymore. That’s just how we’re wired. And then as soon as the ground thaws, we’re back out there again. But for the DIY, I want you guys to have a great experience. I want you to enjoy your project and if you’re going to hire this out, you know, stop procrastinating.

I know that right now it’s the last of the summer days. We’re going in the fall, but time is running out. You definitely want to get your yard drainage taken care of so that you’re not living another winter freeze and thaw and what comes in spring, that nightmare of your yard pooling with water, your basement leaking, whatever your situation is, get it taken care of. So that’s the point of this video. Everybody. Winter’s coming and it’s time just to roll up your sleeves and, and get that project done.